Luck will play a big part in th
outcome tomorrow and Duval hopes that his good fortune o
today continues for the rest of the season.
"I just need to have what I had today. I turne
a six into a three at the last there and I have this feelin
that my luck has been changing over the last few weeks,
just hope it continues".
David Duval, who did not record a solitary bogey in hi
round today was a bit more upbeat, but aware of th
monumental task ahead of him.
"If I'm even as much as seve
shots behind, I have a chance because I have won from tha
far behind before. I am going to be trying to win my firs
major championship, he is going to be going for the slam, s
there is going to be some pressures on both parties".
"There's no doubt that we are playing for second place. H
has brought his A game, he is composed, he knows what he ha
to do and the only think that can get to him i because he is playing for mor
than winning The Open Championship tomorrow, he is playin
for the Grand Slam of golf and I think that will make him
little nervous". All at